IRES, founded in 2015, is devoted to providing decision-making tools and methodologies for environmental, safety, and risk assessment, materials characterization/digitization, and process optimization. Customized and tailored solutions on demand, successfully identify possible business risks, and provide sustainable directions. For this mission, the whole lifecycle of products is considered, through a holistic evaluation of social, environmental, and economic aspects, based on EU standards and regulations. In collaboration with external bodies and related initiatives, IRES is part of, building upon and pushing the frontiers at new technological events, arising innovative technologies and strategic research trends.
In the iclimabuilt framework, IRES provides its expertise in Life Cycle Assessment, Risk & (nano)Safety and Data Science, by leading the respective project Tasks:
- Sustainability of iclimabuilt solutions,
- Safety, hazards, and toxicity of the project materials and
- Predictive modeling and multi-scale simulations for building envelopes.