GENEX 1st progress meeting

The GENEX team met for the 1st progress meeting of the project on the 7th and 8th of March, in Paris, France. They were two days full of rewarding discussions based on presentations addressing the ongoing tasks, list of open points, blocking aspects, and next activities in all WPs.

The first day of the meeting took place at ENSAM where the goals of the project were recapitulated, and all the WP leaders presented the technical progress and the completed activities intended for submission as deliverables. The second day was at the premises of GMI AERO where it was presented the composite repair equipment, thermal transfer, and digital twin of repairs using ANITA 4.0 and NetApps. At the end of the second day, there was a demonstration of composite repair methodology and equipment in the workshop at the premises of GMI AERO.


GENEX 1st progress meeting